Tuesday 24 February 2015

Austin, We Have A Blog... Call the Doctor!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

 Space... Oh, how just how big are you?

Space is vast and beautiful and serves as a possible section for new homes, lives and technology. We, as humans, do not yet access the technology to make those giant leaps to space though. This includes terraforming, space travel and new homes on planets that could serve as a new Earth to our human race. 

Often we hear people talk and whisper about the possibility of life on other planets… And I also talk about it. More often than others as it serves as a most interesting topic in the culture of today. The possibilities of life on other planets and inside other galaxies are so large that people reject the thought of it as it scares them. Rather have an open mind to new things rather than keeping the mind closed and learning nothing. 

Colonies of humans could form settlements on different planets and start new life there as we did on earth. A new home in the stars of an ocean filled with galaxies of endless possibilities. With colonies taking over, a new form of population will start, a new currency of exchange could take place, people can travel between planets to visit their friends, new bridges of communication can start to form and space travel can advance through different mediums. The options are endless and so are the possibilities, but what if we are not alone? 

Aliens are a topic that runs across time. Starting in 1972, alien sightings have been popping up everywhere and serve as a topic that even scientists are still struggling with. Alien means outlander and when people see strange lights in the sky and strange patterns start to form on the crop farms, then people start to stress and throw the word of “Aliens” around. It makes perfectly sense and even I believe in aliens as it is impossible that humans are the only living species in the existence of everything. The universe is just too big and times itself as warped it and still continues to warp it. It is a never-ending cycle of changes and birth.

Space is truly amazing. It is something that you can look and wonder what is out there. Look up on a clear night sky and open your mind as you look at the billions of stars that are looking back at you. I call them light houses as they shine just like a lighthouse. Each individual star calling out to other stars in hopes of being seen. One day we will be able to even harvest stars for the possible gas they carry to help us to achieve better and greater technology. 
All it takes is a bit of planning and teamwork.


  1. So exciting! :) I'd totes consider that one way trip to Mars ... I can't get over the feeling that we are, right at this moment, standing on the threshold of all these amazing discoveries, and that hundreds of years from now people will look back to our time as the moment in history when everything changed.
