Friday 28 August 2015

Presto! A Space manifesto!

Space is a vast and beautiful place. Well, not really a place. It is more of a giant, colossal sphere of other giant gas spheres that look stunning. It is impossible to put your mind on how big and vast space actually is. And we as humans have come a very long way into understanding space.
The ISS (International Space Station) took 10 years and thirty missions to assemble and get in order. The ISS is all in charge of earths space activities. That, and NASA. And we all know NASA as the leading lady in science and space and all the medical discoveries. NASA was the one who built ISS in the first place and thus the history began of humans and contact with low gravity and the moon.
On 20 November, 1998, the first segment launched called the “Sunrise” and then space travel started. We have discovered so much since we started on that day. Till now, we are learning constantly, and no alien contact… Yet!.
“The idea of a space station was once science fiction, existing only in the imaginations of men until it became clear in the 1940s that construction of such a structure might be attainable by our nation. As the Space Age began in the 1950s, designs of “space planes” and stations dominated popular media. The first rudimentary station was created in 1969 by the linking of two Russian Soyuz vehicles in space, followed by other stations and developments in space technology until construction began on the ISS in 1998, aided by the first reusable spacecraft ever developed: the American shuttles.” (

With all this going on, we start to think of colonizing other planets, but we can’t yet as there is nothing like earth. We are still searching high and low and we shall find it. With a new home, we will be able to shift people. Two home planets, more space, more people, a better living, a much more satisfactory life style for the human race and so forth. The possibilities of living on other planets makes us think on how truly stunning it all could be. Imagine living on earth and the next day you walk through a telleporter that takes you thousands of light-years to another planet to visit your best friend…

If there is one thing that science has showed us, is that nothing is impossible. With science, we can shape and morth the future. It’s all about having an open mind…

Here you will find the Links for the music of my Space Manifesto

Healing Winds -

Porter Robinson: Sad Machine -

For River -

Everything's Alright -

To the Moon -

Next are the Images of my Manifesto nick-nacks